Run With Us
Girls' hearts and minds need adventure, and we see each minute as a chance to fill up on it.
We challenge ourselves daily. We break a sweat. We practice, we persist. Athlete or rider, we say yes to a fast-beating heart, a competition, an FXC chant — our success depends on it. And with a campus and daily schedule that intentionally provide plenty of space to reenergize, there are lots of adventures to be had.
mens sana
in corpore sano
A healthy mind
in a healthy body
Once again, the Parents' Association (PA) Athletic Coordinators are using SignUpGenius to organize snacks and treats for our athletic teams!
In just our first week of practice, Connelley led conditioning sessions with enthusiasm, encouraged unsure teammates, introduced beginners to the sport, and used her positivity to cultivate a supportive, uplifting culture for a program just coming back to life," shared Coach Peterson.
We are excited about our offerings and looking forward to a great winter!